4 Ways to Get Engaged in Your New Community
February 9, 2023 | Written by Branden Waggoner
Moving to a new community, city, or state can be extremely overwhelming and at times isolating. Luckily, one of the best ways to feel fulfilled, gain a sense of belonging, and meet new people is through simply getting engaged in your new community in different ways. At times, this can feel daunting and can be something we sweep under the rug, so here are 4 easy ways you can engage in your new community.
Shop and Spend Local
One of the best ways to really throw yourself into a new community is to shop and spend at local stores, restaurants, and markets. A simple google search of “farmers market near me” provides details of different farmers markets in your community. These farmer's markets typically will have many different local stores, vendors, and sometimes even performers. Simply spending time and shopping locally opens lots of doors to meeting people in your community and will leave you feeling fulfilled. This method can also “snowball” into meeting people who know of more types of these events that might be less publicized.
Volunteering is an obvious way to get involved in your new community, but sometimes volunteering is such a broad spectrum that it can be hard to choose what to do and where. The best advice is to research and volunteer at a place that carries out a mission that you care about as well. For example, if you are a pet person, and you are missing your hometown pet, volunteering in your community's local animal shelter can be an incredibly valuable experience. The internet is a great tool for searching for local organizations with volunteer opportunities. Volunteering is a great way to meet people, as you will inevitably make connections with staff and other volunteers. Not to mention the incredible personal benefits of volunteering!
Pursue Hobbies in Your Community
Do you have an old or new hobby you want to pursue in your free time? Taking a class or joining a group that participates in your hobby is one of the best ways to start making your new community feel like home. Most communities have some sort of local sports, art class, or music scene. A google search of any hobby that you want to pursue will bring opportunities to light. Pursuing hobbies allows you to have fun, meet new people, and explore your new community.
Frequent Public Places
This may sound funny, but simply putting yourself out there and going to local coffee shops, parks, and libraries allows you to get engaged in your community. Going to a place leisurely and consistently is a great method to add a routine to your week. This routine will also allow you to see the same people who also go to these places, and will make your new community have spaces that you are comfortable existing in. Your new community will slowly but surely become less foreign and more comfortable every single time you go to these places.
At Magnified Giving, we love cheering on individuals seeking to engage in their community, especially when they wish to use their time, talents, and treasure to serve others! To learn more about how we start youth on a path of philanthropy and lifelong engagement in their communities, both old and new, click here to learn more about our programs!