Students Take Initiative To Apply For Funding For Creative And Impactful Service Projects

November 22, 2021 | Written by Lindsey Barta

Through our Student Service Conference fueled by the Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation, we offered a unique opportunity for students to apply for a $200 mini-grant to plan, execute, and report on a service project. Overall, we supported 14 mini-grants, and students impacted 23 nonprofits through their service projects. Below are just a few of the amazing examples of the impact students made with these mini-grants and their own time and talents

Students at Kings High School used their funding to create goodie bags for residents of Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home. They wanted to show residents that they are not alone.

Youth at the Juvenile Detention Center requested funds to purchase a knitting wheel to make scarves and hats for a local homeless shelter and supplies to make dog biscuits for the SPCA Animal Shelter. One youth said, “Many of us get sent to placements after being released from the detention center and we do not get what we need in these placements. We want to make stuff to help kids like us feel like they are getting something from home.”

Four different student groups at Roger Bacon High School applied for funding, and as a result, they completed upkeep projects at Camp River Ridge, supported Imago with tree seedlings, donated homemade fleece blankets and sensory toys for clients of Luke 5 Adventures, and created care packages for frontline workers.


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